Newly wed Rachel Weisz is known for her acting, being an Oscar winner, and now for being the wife of fellow English actor Daniel Craig. Another magazine thought correctly that it was appropriate to put her on the cover. Not only this but they did a splendid job with the photo: the make-up really stands out, the dirty brick wall with what looks like dried blood on it really makes a statement and I was thinking that she's holding the lonely goat in her arms to save it from slaughter.
Oscar-belönade Rachel Weisz gifte sig i år med Daniel Craig och Another magazine tyckte självklart att det var lämpligt att placera henne på deras omslag. De gjorde inte det som oftast är standard när någon känd aktris frontar en framsida utan lyckats få bilden i sig att stå ut. Jag är mycket imponerad över sminkningen; den turkosa ögonskuggan mot hennes bleka hud och starka röda läppar ger ett starkt intryck. Sedan att hon står mot en mur som ser ut att ha torkat blod på sig och håller en söt liten get i famnen, gör det hela häftigare. Kanske vill hon rädda den lilla från slakt...i-D magazine has a fierce cover with the queen Carine Roitefeld on it. I think it was even more of a success because it was shot by a close friend of Carine's, Terry Richardson whom she loves to work with and it always shines through. It's only he who would dress her in a Six Pistols t-shirt, and of course she wants to wear a Givenchy skirt. Their combined styling makes this cover stand out.
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